Am I Really Loving Myself? Five Indicators Self-Love is Being Neglected

(1)  Too exhausted to take care of your needs

Exhaustion is a result of self neglect,  evidenced by things like poor eating habits, lack of adequate exercise, and insufficient leisure time. This usually means you’re putting your own needs on the back burner and prioritizing others’ needs. It might make you feel like a good person, but neglecting yourself can lead to feeling bitter and frustrated, undoing any good you thought you were doing.

(2)  Critical of yourself and/or others

Mother Teresa once said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Being critical often arises from an inner dialogue of self-depreciation. It can also be seen when trying to be a perfectionist. ultimately reflecting issues with self-worth. When we genuinely value someone, like our children, we are more likely to be compassionate, patient and  encouraging, rather than critical and condemning. If you constantly critical, it may indicate a lack of self-love that needs to be addressed. 

(3)  Depression = you pressed down

A lack of self-love can often manifest as depression- you pressed down. When you are used to prioritizing others’ needs, neglecting your own, and never making time or space to express your truest self or pursue your dreams, you end up suppressing yourself. While those around you seem fine  living out their dreams, speaking up and sharing their preferences and opinions, you tuck yourself away, silently battling feelings of despair and boredom. Eventually you label it as depression and feel even worse, questioning why you don’t feel happy. Well here is a little surprise for you- the opposite of depression is EXPRESSION. When you truly love yourself, you will freely express yourself.

(4)  Saying yes, when you really want to say no and vice versa

Another indicator that self-love is being neglected is when you say yes to things you don’t want to do and no to things that could bring you joy. By ignoring your own needs and feelings, you’re essentially telling yourself that you’re not worthy of love and respect. Remember, self-love isn’t selfish – it’s necessary for maintaining a healthy balance in all aspects of your life.

(5)  Not really knowing what your true dreams and desires are

When you don’t take the time to truly understand what you want and need in life, it becomes nearly impossible to make decisions that align with your authentic self. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, resentment, and confusion. Taking the time to prioritize self-love means getting in touch with your innermost desires and values, allowing you to make choices that honor who you truly are. So next time you find yourself struggling to figure out what you really want, remember that neglected self-love may be at the root of your uncertainty.

Some of you may be hiding a lot of disappointment and frustration behind smiles and good deeds, without considering the idea that perhaps the biggest need you have is to learn to genuinely love yourself- by putting yourself back into the center of your life. If you want to explore more along this pathway to self love, please reach out using the link below.



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