Alchemy of the Phoenix

What would it feel like if you could remove all those pesky, negative, voices that play like a record over and over in your head, causing you to feel negative emotions, to doubt yourself, to confuse your truth, and to keep you from being fully present and enjoying the moment?
This is what The Burn is for. It was created for those who are right on the cusp of doing the thing they always wanted, creating the life they have dreamed of, breaking free of the things they have realized are holding them back- but they are still getting entangled in emotional triggers that create endless negative rumination keeping them  just out of their reach of realizing their dreams.
In “The Alchemy of the Phoenix: The Burn” you will identify Phantom voices that you created and animated when in fear and survival. They were brilliant to help keep you safe but have now become pesky and maladaptive. Left unchecked, they can often send you spiraling into the abyss of depressive episodes that can last for days and even months.

In THE BURN you will become adept at recognizing these buggers quickly and eliminating them before they have a chance to take you on that downward spiral. 

Once these incessant phantom voices are clearing seen and deleted, you will be surprised at how quickly and easily you will…

  • deliciously invest in yourself
  • say yes to things you have truly wanted 
  • confidently speak the exact thing that is on your mind 
  • walk away from the people and things that insult you with greater ease and assurance
  • happily turn a deaf ear to the opinions of others
  • begin to do things that you have always wanted to do

One by one these Phantoms will lose their power and you will begin to make the moves you once had so much resistance around- almost effortlessly.

Your will begin to DECIDE with clarity and will feel so much more aligned with your authentic self.  You will feel years of energetic heaviness seemingly roll away. 

“The Burn” is not about building a bridge from point A to point BIt isn’t about getting the new home, losing the weight, or finding the right job. This is not another “self-improvement” course.


The Burn is about burning a bridge to the past and taking back your crown! 

This is a self-empowerment journey activating your inner sovereignty encoded in your very DNA. Deep down you have always known you are powerful and magical. In this course you will coronate yourself over your life and give yourself permission to be magical as fuck.

The Burn is about becoming aware and letting go of an illusion so you can truly-

✔️LIVE and THRIVE in the HERE and NOW with confidence and freedom.

✔️Seize the day! Stop putting things off you have wanted to do.

✔️Uncover and fully own your unique and authentic mystical self. There is just not another YOU around! And when you let go of what is NOT you, your inner fire will surge!

THE BURN Includes:

  👉🏽 Powerfully coded, pre-recorded live video and audio lessons that will help you identify the voices of the Phantoms and the individual language they speak. You will learn how to sniff them out and delete them quickly from your mental computer. No more spending precious time and energy in endless mental arguments trying to prove to yourself that they have no validity. At the time the course was created it was spread out over 13 weeks. However, you will be given lifetime access so you may go faster, slower, and even come back and revisit the material at anytime. 

  👉🏽 Printable pdf’s designed to help you recognize your individual patterns of phantom voices with razor precision and where they are sneaking in and wreaking havoc in your life.

  👉🏽 Guided meditations to shift you at a subconscious level and amplify your innermost authentic voice. When you get to truly know the genuine Divine voice within you its easy to differentiate it from the Phantom voices. Your intuition will become razor sharp the more you continue the deletion process. 

Begin here to conquer those Phantoms once and for all:



Here is what others that have completed THE BURN have said about it:
“I wanted ways to keep triggers and negativity under control; I got way more than I ever expected! I can now delete thoughts without giving my precious energy to them. I feel empowered. I feel more creative. I have control of my thoughts and practically no guilt. I think all women can benefit from this course. I loved every step. Pure magic!”
-Tammy Haitt, American Fork Ut

“I didn’t want to miss out on this course because I felt it would be wonderful, especially after getting into the Genuine Self-love and actually working with Liz one on one. I wanted to further my relationship with myself and find more empowerment. This course exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to have grown, healed and shifted as much as I have. Utilizing Marco Polo helped me step outside my comfort zone and be comfortable with showing myself on video. I had a safe space to be vulnerable and share and go deep. I gained great insight in understanding myself and even others. It helped me clarify and set greater boundaries and I shifted from a victim mindset to empowerment. I realized I had a lot more personal power than I believed and my self confidence has increased. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to do healing work and to feel more empowered.
Your work is very powerful and you are a wonderful mystic-mentor. I greatly enjoyed THE BURN. It is one of a kind program. I definitely feel its intentions playing out in my life and I hope to keep the flame growing.”
-Ari Ya, New York

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