For the Love of YOU Journey

“For the Love of YOU Journey” is a transformative exploration of self-love tailored for the highly sensitive woman. This program is designed to help individuals discover, empower, and freely express themselves. Sign up for this powerful eight-week course towards embracing and nurturing your true essence.

Highly sensitive women are typically very giving individuals who care about others deeply and tend to want to protect them from hurt. They often prioritize the needs of others over their own, ensuring that those around them are content and at ease.

If this is you, you may-

  • Feel like you have lost yourself somewhere along the way.
  • Sense that you need stronger boundaries, but don’t want to hurt anyone which often causes tension and upset in relationships.
  • Long for more intimate and peaceful connections with others.
  • Feel unfulfilled yet not have any clear idea of what you truly desire in life

Self-love is powerful but it’s not just about getting a new hairstyle, updating your wardrobe, and sifting out toxic relationships. These are all included. Yet, we can set our boundaries, perfect our habits, reach our goals, increase our confidence, and still…

➛Go to bed at night feeling empty and exhausted

➛Wake up and want to pull the blankets over our head and go back to sleep.

➛Go through our day, our week, waiting for a “break.” A break in what?

What then brings it on?

-the light in the eyes, the excitement to jump out of bed and get into life, the fire bursting through every cell of our beingness?

💔It is not the perfect romance- unless the romance throbs with every heartbeat.

💥It’s not a real vacation unless the thrill of adventure churns in the pit of your stomach and lurches inside your throat.

🌞 It’s not a beautiful occasion unless the touch of human hands warms you like a sip of brandy.

Do you remember?

The flutter of butterfly wings inside your gut as you lips met that first kiss?

The scent of pine and the chill of the morning coursing through your body in anticipation of opening gifts Christmas morning?

Do you remember the exhilaration of pedaling your new bike at a speed for the first time?

Swimming all day in the summer sun and the ravenous hunger that overtook you afterwards?

Time slipping by unnoticed as you explored the world about you, your imagination taking you into entirely different realms, and being immersed the awe of the moment that nothing else mattered?

Life was a new adventure, over, and over, and over again.

When did that stop?

When beliefs were etched into your mind about who you are and what you are supposed to be doing with your life. When you left off believing all things and boxed yourself up in order to fit in. When one-by-one choices were taken away in lieu of expectations. When you decided that meeting those expectations was the only way to live. When you bought into the idea that your life was meant to be a service to others rather than a mysterious, beautiful, enchanting adventure for YOU.

For the Love of YOU” In this mystical journey back to your purest SELF. It will reshape the landscape of your entire reality and place you back in the center of your life to be lived out according to your innermost desires.

As you move through this Journey, you will:

  • Discover things about yourself you have kept buried deep inside
  • Challenge some of your deepest fears  and call in your inner warrior
  • Empower yourself to experience new things that you previously believed were unavailable to you. You may go back to school, take that vacation, get that hair style or tattoo, learn that new skill or take up a new hobby.
  • Begin an upward spiral of positivity and a fresh surge of self-confidence; you may find yourself holding the stronger boundaries, showing up and speaking up for yourself, and smiling more with an inner knowing of who you are and where you are going.
  • Cultivate your inner wisdom, improving the quality of your relationships
  • Explore your unique creative powers and gifts and have fun allowing your imagination to play
  • Amplify your magnetism, drawing in the experiences and relationship dynamics you truly crave
  • Redefine yourself exactly as you desire to show up as in the this world
  • Prioritize your life around yourself, your health and well being, creating more space, time and energy in your life

When you dive into the depths of your own being:

  • Mystery and magic are revived- Life takes on colors you have long lost sight of. Dreams, longings, and desires are revived and begin to take precedence in your life again.
  • Skeletons and bones are retrieved- pieces of yourself that have been scattered are called back. Generational healing happens. Heavy chains fall away.
  • You may cry as you release old painful beliefs about who you are that have been buried deep inside.
  • Sunken treasures are rediscovered- your heart, your soul, your dreams, and experiences.
  • You begin to REMEMBER who you are- your truth is resurrected. No more gas-lighting yourself.
  • You begin to feel ALIVE again- to be IN the body, fully present, and in “IN-JOY” it.
  • The artist within you will be stirred and begin to create from a place of curiosity and excitement.

When you commit to the journey and stay the course, you emerge- often laughing, having more fun with life, stronger, clearer, and more excited about your life than you have been in a long time.

Your mind will no longer be so busy trying to figure out how to please others. Your gaze will be fixed upon your pleasure within every detail of your life.

Each new day is a blank canvas waiting for you to beautify it according to your desires.

You will feel more poised and centered, naturally commanding respect.

Others may notice the change and wonder what is going on.

It’s a powerful journey back to YOU- the person you are supposed to be living for!

Are you turned on?




In “For the love of you” you get:

  1. Prerecorded live videos and audios that cover topics in self-love, boundaries, self-care, healthy relationships, self-advocacy, defining your values, healthy habits, mindset, finding power in archetype, mystical living, healing core wounds, tapping into and meeting your real needs and desires, etc..
  2. Journal prompts that dig into your psyche and help you make powerful, life-changing connections
  3. Guided meditations to help shift you at a sub-conscious level- where the real magick happens
  4. Mirror work that puts you at the forefront of your life
  5. Dream analytics that brings more awareness to where current emotional state is (awareness is key)
  6. Supplemental printouts and video recommendations to deepen your entire experience
  7. Free resources

When you complete this course, you will never be the same. You will find a whole other level of self-love and respect. 

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