It took over half a century for me to love me- just as I am…
Without any beauty
Without any joy
Without much talent
Without any friends
With all my flab and flaws
With my moody disposition
With a body oft’ in pain
With my constant indecision
Over 50 years of living before I finally let go…
Of how I appear to others
Of the ignorance still in me
Of all my flops and failures
Of labels, insulting & limiting
Wondering where I am headed
Worrying what may be
Wishing I could do things over
Wresting to control what I can’t see
Over Fifty birthdays went passed, before I understood…
Love is who I am
Beauty is how I see
Joy is my natural state of being
Talent is the current in me
Flab and flaws are descriptive
As are fabulously and fascinating
Moods are the human processing
Pain is the body communicating
Over 50 years of struggling before anchoring into these truths
I am, therefore I matter
Life is a mystery
There’s no failure only feedback
I am what I believe
Life’s not a destiny but an experience
Worry is misery’s fuel
Regret is a lesson unfinished
Control is the delusion of fools
After 50 I find that my life, is still…
Full of questions unanswered
Full of flab, flaws, indecision and pain
Full of wondering, worrying, wishing, wrestling
Full of ignorance, failures, insults and blame
HOWEVER, after 50 I realize how WONDER-FULL it is…
To love myself unconditionally
To see beauty in so much of my life
To flow in my own current
To be my own best friend without strife
To know my life is MAGICK
To be fantastically fabulous
And that I am the JOY in the RIDE!